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Idaho falls powerIdaho falls power. Idaho Falls Power Old Powerhouse Rebuild
IFP's Distributed Generation Program is designed to allow customer the opportunity to generate electricity through the use of renewable energy sources e. Upon approval and installation of the generation system, IFP will install a new meter and change your customer classification.
The new meter will operate the same as a standard electric meter, unless your generation system is producing more power than the house or business is using. In those times, the power flowing, in reverse, to IFP's electrical grid is also metered. At the end of the billing cycle, the customer is billed or credited for the net power consumed or generated during that period. That figure is determined by subtracting the amount of energy that was sent to IFP's system from the energy IFP sent to the customer.
For every kilowatt-hour IFP delivers, you are charged IFP's electric retail rate based on your classification, residential or commercial.
If You Generated More Energy Than You Use: If your system generates more electricity than you used during a billing cycle, the excess electricity that is generated from your system will be delivered onto the city's electrical grid.
Idaho Falls Power will purchase the excess electricity at the fluctuating electric market rate. See the current rates by visiting the website: www. The first step is to attend a brief orientation session with an IFP representative.
Please call to arrange a meeting. Per Idaho Falls Power Service Policy, customer owned generation facilities shall have a maximum annual generation capacity of no more than the previous 12 months of electric usage, although exceptions to sizing limits can be made if historic consumption warrants.
All systems must be installed in accordance with the standards outlined in the Idaho Falls Power Service Policy. A construction permit from the City Building Department is required before modifying the electrical system on your home or business, and interconnection agreement must be executed with system design approved by IFP.
For information regarding the state of Idaho tax incentives, visit the Idaho Office of Energy and Mineral Resources website: energy.
For federal tax incentives, visit www. Idaho Falls Power S. How do I pay online? How do I open an account? What do I need to do to get my utilities connected? What can I do if I need more time to pay my bill? How the Program Works Upon approval and installation of the generation system, IFP will install a new meter and change your customer classification. Required Forms A construction permit from the City Building Department is required before modifying the electrical system on your home or business, and interconnection agreement must be executed with system design approved by IFP.
Tax and State Incentives State and federal tax incentives may be available. Process Customer contacts Idaho Falls Power to obtain size limitations of their on-site generation system. Customer installs system. The City of Idaho Falls building inspector notifies Idaho Falls Power that the system was inspected and is ready for a net meter to be installed. Idaho Falls Power meter technician installs the new meter and notifies the City of Idaho Falls Utility Office of the new net metering customer.
Have a question? Helpful Numbers To report an outage: Pay by phone: Question about your bill? FAQs How do I pay online?
Distributed Generation Program | Idaho Falls Power.Idaho Falls Power - HYDROVISION International
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